10 September, 2007

Hidden Paths

Ever wonder what God is doing with you? Or wish you could see the way forward more clearly? As Christians we are called to live by faith and not by sight. By the truth of His word and not by our feelings. But how?

Steps of faith require boldness. They also require wisdom. The world may call your faith step foolish. But true faith is founded on the wisdom of God and His word.

Step out in true faith and you will find that you are pleasing God (Hebrews 11.6). Your faith will be rewarded. You will feel Him strengthening your feet beneath you, guiding your steps. His word is like a two-edged sword, it helps us discern what is of Him in our lives and what is from us. Use that sword to clear the path of faith in your life.

Read it, believe it and express that belief in words and actions. Enjoy the faith adventure!

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