24 September, 2008

Rebuilding A Heart of Worship

Some people freak at the idea of being close and vulnerable to God. Others long for that intimacy. All the time, God is waiting. Waiting for us to draw near. Waiting for us to remember or learn how great and wonderful He is. He longs for us. 

For many of us, drawing near to God gets far too complicated. We let so many practical things get in the way. So many emotional things keep us back.

But all the time God is waiting. Waiting for us to remember how much He loves us, flaws and all. He takes us just as we are.

The problem is often that the closer we draw to God, the more we realise how awesome He is. That`s when we notice our flaws. Like the beautiful bride-to-be in Song of Songs who suddenly says "I am dark but lovely... do not look upon me because I am dark...". This isn`t about the colour of her skin. This about the flaws she sees in herself compared to how wonderful her lover is.

It`s natural to become more aware of our own humanity and weakness when we come close to God. The triumph is learning not to clam up and focus on ourselves at this point. But instead to jump over the hurdle of your humanity and take hold of the covering of mercy that Jesus clothes us with so that we can draw near to God. And when we do this, we are changed. We begin to see things and ourselves from God`s perspective.

Remember all those T.V.shows where a team of professionals renovate a house in a weekend? They can only get in to renovate if someone lets them. If someone gets over the "My house is dark" part and instead of keeping their house shut up or just repainting the outside, they let the professionals in to rebuild the whole place.

You know, God is the ultimate professional in rebuilding our hearts. And He does it all out of His great heart of love, mercy and majesty. Are you willing to draw near to Him and to keep drawing near? He`s truly longing to rebuild your heart.

John 7:37/38 Jesus said "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. Rivers of living water will flow out of the hearts of whoever believes in Me."

Belonging Together

After a season of weddings in the Jesus Haus, we are heading into the Autumn remembering how precious and important belonging together is.

Every one of us is made to belong. You belong. 

There is a part of us that needs to belong. Because that is the way we were made. God didn`t create mankind to live as isolated individuals. We are made for relationship with Him.

Paul also tells us that we are living stones being built together. We belong together and we belong with God.

The greatest reality of belonging for all of us is the fact that we have all been created to belong together with God. Through Jesus, as we accept His sacrifice for us and surrender our lives to Him, we find peace in a relationship of "belonging" with God. 

We fit. Because there is a place in God`s heart especially for you. A place where you belong.

And like a bride and bridegroom who declare that they belong together, God is waiting for each one of us to live in the reality of belonging with Him. Close to His heart. Together.

"My beloved is mine and I am his." Song of Songs 2:16

15 September, 2008


What do we do with treasure? True treasure? Do we build it a beautiful box and keep it safe from prying eyes? Do we bury it or hide it? 

There are so many treasures in the Kingdom of God. The treasure of truth. The treasure of freedom. The treasure of mercy. The treasure of true and perfect love. And so much more.

But what do we do with them? Do we build a treasure box church with treasure box rules? Do we hide the treasure in our hearts and keep it for a rainy day?

Sometimes we forget that we ourselves are treasure. Treasure rescued by the awesome love that Jesus has for each one of us. Treasure that is close to the heart of God. Living, breathing treasure. As He transforms our lives then we become more and more like Him. Reflecting more and more of His mercy, love and truth.

I love that. The Bible tells us that God is the keeper of truth. He is the keeper of our hearts. We are treasure and He is the treasure keeper, pouring out more and more of Himself, of His treasure into our lives.

But I don`t want to just be a pretty box of treasure all locked up. The treasures of the Kingdom of God are designed for sharing, for increase. They increase in value and substance the more they are shared and poured out. Freely and wisely. Just as our Heavenly Father pours out His treasure into us.

01 September, 2008


Ok, so I know that for some people as soon as I say something like "just get on and live the dream", they panic.

"How do I know it`s from God and not me just making it up?"

It`s a question nearly all of us ask at some time. Building sand castles is fine as a holiday entertainment or distraction. But no-one wants to invest their life in building something that will just get washed away with the next tide.

I think the secret lies in our expectations. We have to get to a place of faith and peace as we respond to God. To be ok with the fact that we don`t know every tiny detail of what the dream will look like when it`s finished. To be content to follow God`s heart and let Him build and evolve the dream around us. Because He is the author and the foundation of what we do.

Sometimes it starts with just saying an unconditional "Yes" to Jesus. Like Mary did when the angel came to her. She had no idea what the promise of her child could really mean. She just believed that God was great enough to fulfil His dream and promise for her life. She accepted it.

I love the way God waits for us to say "Yes" and then He opens a door or widens the horizon of our understanding just a bit more. Until we are ready for the next "Yes". The adventure of living with Jesus. 

Why not take one step at a time? One "Yes" at a time. Hand in hand with Him. The adventure of fulfilling the potential He has placed in you. Letting Him show you the full colour of the dream that we just begin to see in black and white.

Time To Soar Again

Waiting for God intrigues me. There are always times and seasons in our relationship with God. There are also different times and seasons of waiting. 

Sometimes God wants us to wait for Him to open doors and move situations on. Sometimes He is waiting for us to just get on with it.

As Christians we can be tempted to over spiritualise so many things. We can sometimes miss things because we are busy waiting for a thunderbolt from Heaven.  

Being close to God`s heart isn`t something passive. It is a place of peace and rest, but it can also involve activity. Whether we are simply engaging in worshipping and adoring Him, studying His Word or being proactive and getting on with something practical.

Whenever I hear the phrase "Let`s wait on God", I automatically think "because He`s waiting for us". Waiting for us to come. Waiting for us to worship. Waiting for us to obey. Waiting for us to get on with the adventure He`s set before us. Waiting with His hand outstretched to embrace us and to walk with us. To scale the heights together.

Maybe it`s time for you to stop dreaming the dream and to get on and live it... with Him.

"Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength: they shall rise up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."