The training course which bases students with a host church for a year of discipleship, training and hands on involvement in practical ministry situations, also brings students together for intensive and life changing blocks of teaching.
The Jesus-Haus in Herrnhut is a host centre for the teaching blocks and we are delighted to be hosting the very first intensive week. Frank and I are involved in the leadership of DNA-D and along with other team members, have the privilege of teaching this first group of trainees.
We made a commitment to help DNA get launched in Germany because we believe that this course brings together the advantages of the intensity of a Bible School environment (in smaller doses) and the invaluable experience of living out what is learnt straight away in the host church setting.
The DNA-D advertising slogan of "A changed life can change the world" really expresses the heart behind this course. Already, just 3 days into the course, lives are being impacted by a fresh understanding of the Word of God and a willingness to allow Him to grow and develop them into the people He has destined them to be.
For more information or to apply for 2009, check out