Sometimes God wants us to wait for Him to open doors and move situations on. Sometimes He is waiting for us to just get on with it.
As Christians we can be tempted to over spiritualise so many things. We can sometimes miss things because we are busy waiting for a thunderbolt from Heaven.
Being close to God`s heart isn`t something passive. It is a place of peace and rest, but it can also involve activity. Whether we are simply engaging in worshipping and adoring Him, studying His Word or being proactive and getting on with something practical.
Whenever I hear the phrase "Let`s wait on God", I automatically think "because He`s waiting for us". Waiting for us to come. Waiting for us to worship. Waiting for us to obey. Waiting for us to get on with the adventure He`s set before us. Waiting with His hand outstretched to embrace us and to walk with us. To scale the heights together.
Maybe it`s time for you to stop dreaming the dream and to get on and live it... with Him.
"Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength: they shall rise up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."