Marked by God. By His character. By the things that He builds into my life. I want to be marked by His love. By His mercy. By His joy and His compassion. I want to be marked with a teachable heart.
When someone looks at me, I don`t want a personal or ministry label or title. I want them to see through the window of my heart and see the colours of the character of God. Depth. Beauty in Him.
One of my favourite scriptures comes right at the end of the book of Psalms. 149 v 4 tells us that God "beautifies" or "crowns" us with salvation. As we lay hold of the riches of what it really means to be a new creation through Jesus, we allow God to change us and grow us in our character. He shapes and beautifies us, sculpting away the old and crafting the person He has destined you to be. After His heart. After His plans and purposes.
Which is why God`s heart is more about who we are than "what" we are. Which is why I really don´t do this label thing so well. As we allow God to craft us as a person, then our giftings come forth and He shows Himself through us in both practical and spiritual ways. It`s also why I feel sad when I see Christians searching after "their" calling or gifting or "the" thing they are supposed to do. We are not defined by knowing that our main thing is this or that, evangelism or prophecy, teaching or administrating. That is not our identity. He is our identity. If you feel bad because you can`t tell others what your main gifting is, praise God! Just get on with allowing Him to mark your life with His character and His heart. Then you will be ready in season and out of season to be the person He wants you to be, wherever you are. Your giftings will become obvious.
So Father God, please continue to craft me after your own heart. Mark me with the characteristics that please your heart. Show the colours of who you are through me. And thank you that you don´t put me in a box and label me. Thank you that the journey continues.