10 October, 2007


I`ve been thinking a lot about the generations lately. About being part of history and how we make history. Every day. In the little and the bigger things that we do.

There is always a bigger picture than the one we see daily. Others have gone before us. We have inherited from them. Some good things, some bad, usually a mixture of both. 

We are also leaving an inheritance behind us. But I don´t just want to think about leaving something behind when I am gone. I`m passionate about passing our inheritance on while we are still living too. I don´t mean all our worldly goods! I mean this wonderful life in Jesus. 

As Christians we make up the Church. The Church is continually developing. But the foundations remain the same. Jesus endures throughout time. The Church, His bride is also destined to endure. Just as I have inherited from those who have walked with God before me, so I want those who follow me to inherit. 

We are a living timeline. Just thinking about that inspires me. Our life is not our own. It is not just about me in the here and now. I am a part of history. And so are you.

"...to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." Ephesians 3.21

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