Dead bones. No flesh, no breath. Whatever life there was is over. Or is it? Something about the challenge of the impossible captures us. When you know the God of the impossible, then suddenly what we accept as reality is challenged.
We know a spiritual world exists, not just the physical one we live in. The moment we accept Jesus as our Saviour and Lord, we confirm our belief in that spiritual realm. We admit it affects our physical world and our physical souls and bodies. That`s why the Bible puts so much emphasis on what we say and how we say it. Our words have power. They encourage, speaking hope and life. They can also hurt and destroy. We have a responsibility to choose how we use our tongue in day to day life.
But our words are at their most powerful when they come fully into line with the will and heart of God Himself. As we agree with God, obeying Him and speaking the words He gives us. Take the story of Ezekiel and the dry bones (Ezekiel 37). As Ezekiel "prophesied" or spoke to the bones and the wind, a mighty army was formed from a valley of dry bones. A vision in the spiritual realm explaining something God planned to do in the physical world. But this vision also teaches us a very important lesson.
Prophecy is more than speaking out positive words. Prophesying is speaking something into being. There is a responsibility in that. It`s more than speaking positive things into or over a situation out of your own understanding. Ezekiel responded to the challenge of God. He spoke as God commanded Him. God didn`t show Ezekiel the valley and ask him to choose what to say. It wasn`t about what Ezekiel thought would be cool. In fact, I bet God`s dream far exceeded anything Ezekiel could have thought of.
So God showed him the bones and shared His heart and dream. Then God gave very precise instructions.
If you want to prophesy, firstly learn to hear God. Secondly learn to obey. Because true prophecy isn`t about our dreams and ideas. It`s about agreeing with the heart of God and speaking as He commands.
"So I prophesied as He commanded me,and breath came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army."