If being a Christian for you is just about you and God, you're missing a crucial part of the engine. It's also about being together. Try and go it on your own all the time and you waste too much energy on the battle of cutting a way through. Walk with others and together you can stand, move forward and take new ground.
Walking together moulds our character. It isn't always easy. But it creates a unity, a powerful force. Choose to walk by faith alongside others who follow Jesus and you become part of something greater than yourself.
Relationship with others, being Church, being committed to move on together as a group of believers is not just an option, but a necessity for every believer who truly wants to be used by God. God blesses unity (Psalm 133). He is moved by the united faith of believers. He is moved by our commitment to one another.
I love it when God is on the move. If you want to join in with what He is doing, make sure you stick together with other believers. Get your faith walk into line. Stay accountable and join your personal faith walk with that of others. Stay "together", walk "together" and see your nation changed "together".
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