24 September, 2007

The Keeper of Truth

It isn`t always easy to know who we can trust. Generous hearts sometimes trust too easily. Cynical hearts shelter behind walls. Picky hearts are choosy who they confide in and who they will learn from. Which is right?

Having a teachable heart is crucial to living as a disciple of Christ. A teachable heart is a humble heart that desires to grow. It looks for opportunities to learn. It`s part of God`s plan that we learn not just straight from Him, but also from one another. 

We can`t skip the issue and just huddle alone with God. Jesus taught His disciples and then commissioned them to go and teach others. There is an inheritance to be shared and passed down among the generations and among the nations.

But how generous should we be? Should we soak up everything that everyone tries to teach us?

I believe that the Keeper of our hearts has given us one golden rule to help us. The Bible refers to God as the Keeper of Truth. It doesn`t matter how impressive the person is, if their message is not found in God`s Word, don´t accept it. Sometimes people speak with great authority, but their message is not pure. Sometimes it is a mixture of God`s Word and their ideas or interpretation. Sometimes it is their own revelation.

Isaiah 8.20 guides us: "If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them."

God`s Word is Truth and Light. The Keeper of Truth has given us a great gift. Knowing the Word will help protect you from soaking up distorted teaching.
Why not open a Bible today and read it?

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