People talk about the seasons of life. Times when we are living in a Spring, when everything is exciting and developing. Winters, when life seems harsh and cold and fruitless. I believe God takes us through seasons. Very intentionally.
When a season of life or activity is coming to an end, it can feel like an Autumn. At first there is a glorious maturity to what we are doing. Then comes a time when the leaves fall from the trees and we wonder "what was it all for?" or "where has it all gone?".
Except that we forget that those leaves have to fall from the trees. They have to rot. They have to disintegrate. Because they must become soil. They must cover the earth. Preparing the land for the next seasons. Making it fertile. So that the new can grow.
That´s a bit deep isn`t it? Even in the barren times of a wintry season, God is preparing new soil in your life. Sometimes He takes us through a season when things have to rot a bit. It`s mucky.
But just wait and see what He grows out of that new soil in your life. He is laying the foundations for the new that will come. Accept the Autumns, in whatever form they come. Find peace as you endure the Winter. And look forward to the promise of Spring. New mercies. New life.
"His mercies are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness. "The Lord is my portion," says my soul, "Therefore I hope in Him!" Lamentations 3.23/24