04 November, 2007


Every season has it`s beauty. Every season has a purpose. Every season is part of the cycle of eternity. 

The different seasons and times of our life make us who we are. Our attitudes as we go through those seasons affects our growth as Christians. 

We can fight a season. We can endure it. Alternatively, we can embrace it. With it`s joys and delights as well as it`s challenges and sorrows. Allowing God to grow and encourage us.

Whether we are living through a time of dark valleys or whether we are glorying on the mountain heights, God is busy crafting greatness in us. As we surrender to the work of His Spirit within us, our character is formed and shaped. 

God doesn`t put us through difficult times to punish us, but to give us an opportunity to grow and develop. Learning to trust our times to Him helps us look for the fruit of each season.

Wherever you are at in your life today, take a moment to thank Him that every day you live is part of His plan for your life. 

As for me, I trust in You, Oh Lord. I say "You are my God." My times are in Your hand. Psalm 31.14/15a