True, biblical excellence is totally inspiring. It`s about going further. Reaching above and beyond where you`ve been before.
A people of excellence stand out from the crowd. Not because they have "got it all together". They stand out because they are not afraid to reach beyond limitations. They break new ground.
Not through striving and not through manipulation. Instead, full of the Spirit of God, they are determined to allow His power to be made perfect in their weakness. They are not afraid of failing, because they know their Father in Heaven loves them.
There is something inspiring about true excellence. And there is something inclusive about it. We admire excellence because we enjoy the sense of achievement it represents. Godly excellence has a quality of peace. It is the most fulfilling kind of success.
And best of all, it sends that message that says "Look what`s possible with God. He`s done it through me. He can do it through you too."
"But He said to me: My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
2 Corinthians 12.9